“Be genuine. Be remarkable. Be worth connecting with.” – Seth Godin
Crafting a strong and effective About page is essential to the success of any creative business. It’s an opportunity to introduce your brand values, showcase your personal style, and build trust with potential customers. But writing an About page can be easier said than done. Here are some tips for creating an About page that reflects who you are and connects you with the right people.
Know Your Audience and What They Value
Your About page should speak to your ideal customer first and foremost. Before you start writing, think about who it is that you want to attract, what their needs are, and how you can best serve them. Once you have a clear idea of who it is you’re talking to, the rest of your About page will come much more easily.
How to Write Your About Page in a Way That Connects With Your Audience
The secret to writing a really great about page is to not make it about you. I know this seems counter-intuitive, but your about page is not really about you. Your about page should be less about you and more about the value you give to your reader. Lead with an attitude of service and identify what you offer. Take the time to discover your audience values.
Write for One Person
Picture your reader and write for an audience of one. Address her problems, concerns
It’s great if you can include some fun stories in your About page, but make sure they don’t detract from its main purpose—which is conveying important information about yourself and your business. Make sure to include specific details such as past experience, qualifications, awards won, special skills or services offered etc., so readers have a clear idea of what kind of value they can expect from working with you.
Sound Like You
A trick to making your writing sound the way you talk is to read it out loud. You could even record audio of you reading it outloud. Ask yourself if it sounds the way you talk. If your friends and family wouldn’t recognize it as your voice, it’s too formal. Ditch the heck out of it.
I’d say this has been one of the most difficult things for me to overcome. When I look back at articles that I wrote in the early 2000’s…ugh!! They sound so formal and fake. It’s partially how I was at that stage in my life, but also it was a lack of understanding about what good writing is. Good writing is conversational. Good writing connects people the same way conversation does.
Two Important Things to Include
Include a Photograph of Yourself
Even if you have to pay a professional, get a high resolution photograph of yourself. Build trust by adding a photo that captures your personality. People buy from people. Your potential clients want to see the person behind the business.
Include a Call to Action
Encourage your readers to take a specific action like subscribe to your email newsletter to keep in touch or to follow you on social media. Ask them to join you or follow you in some way. Your about page should be an invitation not just a boring resume.
It is your change to reach out and start a relationship with your audience.
Don’t be afraid to promote yourself at this point. There’s a world of difference between non-stop self promotion and recognizing that you have something to offer.